The Tyro Blog

14 August 2024 - 0 min read

Business Strategies

Financial management tips for short-term business finance during economic uncertainty


Economic uncertainty can sometimes feel overwhelming, but if you approach it in the right way, chances are your business will come out stronger on the other side. In this guide we’ve put together our top tips that aim to help manage your business finances in unpredictable times.


Navigating Financial Challenges as a Business Owner

As a business owner, you face unique financial challenges, especially during uncertain economic periods. From unpredictable revenue to unexpected expenses, knowing how to manage these challenges is crucial to keeping your business humming.


Understanding Short-Term Business Finance

So, what exactly is short-term business finance? It’s all about managing your immediate financial needs and having the flexibility to adapt to sudden changes. This includes:
– Handling Cash Flow: Ensuring you have enough cash available to cover day-to-day expenses.
– Managing Debt: Keeping track of what you owe and making payments on time to avoid additional fees and maintain good credit.
– Planning for Unexpected Expenses: Setting aside funds for emergencies to limit financial stress.


What Are Some Great Financial Management Strategies for Small Businesses During Economic Uncertainty?

– Optimise Cash Flow: It could be beneficial to regularly review your statements to identify patterns and predict future financial needs. Consider implementing early payment discounts or negotiating extended payment terms with suppliers.
– Reduce Expenses: Take a good look at your expenses and cut out unnecessary costs. Consider more affordable alternatives without compromising quality where possible.
– Diversify Revenue Streams: Explore new markets or products to reduce dependence on a single revenue source.
– Build an Emergency Fund: Allocate a portion of your profits to a reserve fund to cover unexpected costs.
– Monitor Financial Health: Use financial metrics and KPIs to track your business’s financial performance regularly.


How could Flexible Payment Options Help You Manage Cash Flow in Tough Economic Times?

Flexible payment options can provide your business with the financial agility needed to navigate economic challenges. Here are some options:

– Improve Cash Flow: With flexible payment solutions, you can receive payments faster and manage receivables efficiently.
– Enhance Customer Experience: Offer multiple payment methods to meet customer preferences, which could increase satisfaction and loyalty.
– Reduce Financial Risk: Flexible payment plans could help you manage cash shortages and maintain smooth operations.


Common Financial Challenges Faced by Small Businesses During Economic Downturns

Economic downturns can be particularly tough on small businesses, frequently leading to a range of financial challenges that require careful management and strategic planning. Here are are the most common ones:

– Declining Revenues: Reduced consumer spending can lead to a significant drop in sales, affecting overall revenue.
– Increased Costs: Suppliers may raise prices or you may face higher operational costs, squeezing profit margins.
– Cash Flow Problems: Delayed payments from customers and the need to cover fixed expenses can create cash shortages.
– Credit Tightening: Banks and lenders may become more cautious, making it harder to obtain loans or credit lines.
– Inventory Management: Fluctuating demand can result in excess inventory or stock shortages, impacting sales and more.
– Debt Management: Increased difficulty in meeting debt obligations can strain relationships with creditors and affect credit ratings.


Industry-Specific Challenges

Retail: Retail businesses often carry excess inventory during downturns as consumer demand fluctuates. Discounts and promotions might help move stock but can also reduce profit margins.

Hospitality: Hospitality businesses, including hotels and restaurants, often experience a decline in bookings and reservations during economic downturns, resulting in underused staff and resources. Managing operational costs such as rent and utilities with reduced income poses a significant challenge. Recent closures of iconic establishments, like Tetsuya’s and Bistro 916, highlight the harsh realities faced by many businesses in this industry.

Health: Clinics and healthcare providers in Australia might experience delayed payments from insurance companies or patients, affecting cash flow. Increased costs for medical supplies can also impact financial stability.

Service Industry: Service-based businesses, such as salons or repair shops, may see a drop in customers choosing to cut back on non-essential services due to cost-of-living pressures. This can lead to reduced revenues and difficulty covering fixed expenses.


How Can Small Businesses Improve Their Cash Flow Management?

Improving cash flow management is essential for small businesses to navigate economic downturns effectively. Here are some actionable strategies for key industries which could be beneficial to consider:

Retail: Inventory management software could be implemented to optimise stock levels and avoid overstocking. Use flash sales and loyalty programs to encourage repeat purchases.

Hospitality: Offer special packages or promotions to attract bookings. For example, all you can eat promos during off peak times, discounts on cash payments, and happy hour deals. You could also try to negotiate better rates with suppliers and reduce operating hours during off-peak times to cut costs.

Health: Implement efficient billing systems to expedite payments from patients and insurance companies. Negotiate bulk purchase discounts for medical supplies.

Service Industry: Offer bundled services or loyalty discounts to encourage repeat business. Use appointment scheduling software to maximise your service capacity and reduce downtime.


The Benefits of Using Cash Flow Solutions

Implementing solutions during economic uncertainty could provide several crucial benefits:

– Improved Liquidity: Solutions like invoice financing can help to unlock cash trapped in unpaid invoices, boosting immediate liquidity.
– Reduced Financial Stress: Access to flexible financing options could alleviate short-term cash flow pressures, allowing greater focus on core business activities.
– Enhanced Planning: Predictable cash flow from these solutions can facilitate more accurate financial planning and budgeting.
– Better Supplier Relationships: In-time payments to suppliers strengthen relationships and may lead to improved terms, enhancing overall operational stability.


Some Tips for Expense Management During Volatile Times

Managing expenses efficiently is crucial for small businesses during periods of volatility. It could involve closely monitoring costs, prioritising essential spending, and implementing cost-saving measures to maintain financial stability.


What Are Some Potential Indicators of Financial Health for a Small Business?

Some indicators of good financial health could include positive cash flow, healthy profit margins, manageable debt-to-equity ratio, current ratio above 1, consistent net profit, and efficient accounts receivable turnover. Keeping track of these indicators may help businesses long-term.


Ideas for Creating a Financial Contingency Plan

A financial contingency plan helps prepare your business for unexpected financial challenges. Steps to create one could include:

– Identify Risks: List potential risks, such as economic downturns, supply chain disruptions, or sudden drops in sales.
– Estimate Impact: Assess and seek advice on the potential financial impact of each risk on your business operations and cash flow.
– Develop Response Strategies: Plan specific actions to mitigate each risk, like securing emergency funding or diversifying revenue streams.
– Build an Emergency Fund: You could set aside a portion of profits into a reserve fund to cover unexpected expenses.
– Regularly Review and Update: It could be useful to continuously review and update your contingency plan to reflect changing business conditions and new risks.


Budgeting Tips for Small Businesses

Effective budgeting can be useful for small businesses. Here’s some practical tips that could help:

– Set Clear Goals: Define short-term and long-term financial goals.
– Track Income and Expenses: Be aware of your cash flow and adjust as needed.
– Categorise Expenses: Expenses could be separated into fixed and variable pots.
– Create a Realistic Budget: This could be based on historical data and realistic projections.
– Prioritise Spending: You could allocate funds and cut back on non-essentials.
– Review Regularly: You could adjust your budget monthly or quarterly.
– Prepare for the unexpected: Consider having a contingency fund for emergencies.

The Role of Tyro in Supporting Small Business Success

Tyro is here to support small businesses with a range of payment and business banking solutions. Here’s how:

– Integrated Payment Processing: Tyro’s integrated payment systems simplify transactions, saving you time and reducing errors.
– Flexible Payment Options: Choose from a variety of payment solutions tailored to your business needs, ensuring you can handle transactions seamlessly.
– Tyro Business Loan: Quick access to funds with flexible repayment options to support business growth or manage cash flow gaps 1.
– Tyro Bank Account: A business bank account with competitive interest rates 2 and easy access to your funds.
– Tyro Term Deposits: One or more term deposits can be opened, starting with as little as $1,000 up to a maximum of $1,000,000 per term deposit, providing opportunities to earn competitive interest rates while managing cash reserves 3.


How Tyro’s Products could help with Financial Forecasting

Financial forecasting can assist in making informed business decisions and planning for the future. Tyro’s services can help streamline this process for some businesses:

– Detailed Transaction Data: With the Tyro Portal, get access to detailed transaction reports to analyse sales trends and predict future revenue.
– Automated Reports: Pull up automated financial reports to potentially save time and reduce errors in your forecasting process.
– Loan and Financing Options: Tyro’s business loans and financing solutions could be used to plan for cash flow needs and future investments.
– Integration with Accounting Software: Tyro’s seamless integration with popular accounting software could ensure your financial data is always up-to-date and accurate, making forecasting more reliable.

By leveraging these budgeting tips, small businesses may have the opportunity to enhance their financial management, potentially improve forecasting accuracy, and streamline payment processing. Ultimately, this may boost their stability and growth.


Good to know

This blog provides general financial information and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a financial advisor for advice tailored to your personal circumstances

1 Tyro may undertake a credit check with a credit reporting agency when checking your eligibility for a Tyro loan. Tyro loans are subject to Tyro’s eligibility and credit criteria. A personal guarantee is required and loan repayments are subject to minimum repayment amounts. A Tyro Bank account is required. Other conditions may apply.

2 Interest rates are variable and subject to change. For other interest rates and interest rate tiers, refer

3 Rates are current as at 14/08/2024 and subject to change. 4.00% p.a. interest rate applies for a 90 day term. A Tyro Bank Account is also required. To withdraw your funds early, you will need to give us at least 31 days’ notice. At the end of the notice period, we will return your funds to you and your interest will be reduced. If you think you may need to access your funds before the maturity date, it may be more suitable for you to keep your funds in your interest earning Tyro Bank Account.