The Tyro Blog

14 April 2022 - 5 min read


Inside the major hospitality business trends of 2022


With the ABS reporting1 a shift in consumer spend from households to hospitality and retail, we’re taking a deep dive into hospitality business trends. How is your hospitality business positioned to meet customer and staff demand and stay ahead of your competitors this year? Let’s unpack the key themes. 

Food and beverage buzz

You’ve undoubtedly seen it; the scaling back of 2021’s pandemic indulgence and the steady embrace of low- and no-alcohol offerings. From non-alcoholic bars like Brunswick Aces, to the indigenous craft beer company now stocked in some of Australia’s finest establishments, 2022 is gearing up as the year more people ditch the booze for good.

The next trend set to carry on is meal kits, such as partnership providers Providoor and Make-out Meals, or by going out on your own. Catering to families with newborns and locked-down lovers of great food, experts predict2 that more businesses will explore this ‘inside the box’ approach to revenue diversification. 

Hospitality business marketing

Hands up if you’ve made the TikTok feta pasta? While social platforms may not be your preferred marketing mainstay, according to Seasoned Traveller3, restaurants can expect to be ‘discovered’ by TikTok recommendations in 2022. 

Take Vincent Lim, aka @dimsimlim, for example. He’s using his one million+ follower TikTok account to share meals cooked inside his family’s Chinese restaurant in the NSW Blue Mountains.

What behind-the-scenes teasers might you share on your social channels that could inspire more people to choose you in 2022? 

Service tech trends

What was once the underdog of tech, the trusty QR code will continue its ascension in 2022 according to CMO Magazine4, with more people willing to use them than ever. For dine-in menu ordering, customers enjoy the minimal contact, plus it gives busy venues a break when staffing levels are low. Google ‘how to make a QR code for menus’ to learn how to set yourself up. 

Next, convenient ways to pay and POS integration will prevail as one of the key backbones of service in 2022: 

  • Tyro’s Pay@Table EFTPOS feature allows diners to pay at the comfort of their table5, making for reduced log jams at the front-of-house 
  • With our integration hub, Tyro Connect, you can plug delivery apps directly into your POS system to eliminate manual handling and rework


Sustainability smarts

Extreme weather events and climate change have more and more businesses talking about greener operations. According to the 2021 ICE Annual Benchmarking Report6 for corporate event planners, 77% of respondents noted sustainability as their key challenge.

But what does this mean for small and medium hospitality businesses? Do you have to go all in to make a difference? Whether it’s recycling coffee grinds for urban farms, swapping out the brand of toilet paper you use, or exploring sustainable packaging (or even edible crockery) – there are plenty of practical ways your business can take sustainable steps in 2022. 

To get started, have a listen to the How to Save a Planet podcast episode on the question of individual actions vs big systemic change, Is your Carbon Footprint BS? 

COVID as usual

Much as we’d all love to forget about COVID-19, for now at least it’s here to stay, and your business and staff will undoubtedly feel the pull at times throughout the year. Whether it’s labour shortages, lockdown restrictions, supply chain challenges, or out-and-out exhaustion, kindness can go a long way. 

What to do? Keep the communication lines open. Tell customers when you’re stretched, leave reminders on answering machines asking people to ‘please bear with us’, and do the same on front-of-house notices. Some of the most in-demand roles in hospitality according to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee7 invariably take the brunt of customer frustrations; it’ll go a long way to show staff that you have their backs. 

More take outs

Social follows and podcasters

If you’re looking for more inspiration, you may find these links useful:

What one thing could you do this year? 

Running with just one or two of 2022’s trends throughout the year could put you in a much better position for 2023. Which theme most resonates with you? 

Want to up your payments game with Tyro EFTPOS? Get in touch with our sales team today.

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1 Australian Bureau of Statistics Monthly Household Spending Indicator, January 2022

2 Le Cordon Bleu ‘Five Food Business Trends for 2022

3 Seasoned Traveller: Food Trends:2022 Predictions

4 CMO Magazine: ‘What brands need to know about QR codes in 2022’

5 Pay@Table is only available where the POS/PMS supports the integration.

6 ICERESEARCH supported by Cvent, ‘ICE Annual Benchmarking Report 2021’

7 Australian Industry and Skills Committee, January 2022