The Tyro Blog

3 June 2022 - 2 min read

Product Features

Everything you need to know about the Tyro Portal


As a small business owner, being able to derive insights from your sales is essential to keeping track of how your business is performing, both in the short and long term. Plus, understanding and identifying current trends can help you make informed decisions around marketing and staffing, to further boost your sales.

The Tyro Portal (available to Tyro customers) is a powerful web-based tool designed to help you get more info from your EFTPOS transactions, as well as monitoring your cost of acquisitions and keeping your EFTPOS machine in check. While the Tyro Portal is a valuable tool all year round, when tax time arrives it can make the process a lot easier, as it’s got all the information you need in the one place.

You can easily gather information you need to provide, including payments your business has received and expenses related to these payments you’ve received, by generating reports for the previous financial year.

In this article we cover the key features of the Tyro Portal (and how they can help you better run your business).

How to access the Tyro Portal

Before we get into the key features of the Tyro Portal, let’s first discuss how to access it. To logon to the Tyro Portal, head to the portal page, enter your username and password, and select ‘Log In’. (Quick note, the username is the admin email address registered in your Merchant Service Agreement.) After logging in, your Tyro Portal home page will appear, ready for you to start unlocking its powerful data.

Getting around the Tyro Portal

The Tyro Portal is a hub for invaluable insights, so it’s important that you know your way around it to get the most out of it. Here are the basics to keep in mind when it comes to navigation from the home page:

  • On the left you’ll find the navigation bar, which will be your one-stop shop for accessing a suite of features
  • On the right, you’ll find links to some of the more common tasks that our customers find useful (and, that you might too)
  • To look up a transaction, simply type in the transaction number under ‘Transaction search’
  • To check company details, navigate to Username > View company details

Key features of the Tyro Portal

Transaction reporting

The Tyro Portal allows you to gain valuable insights into your business, dating back to your first transaction with Tyro, through downloadable (and printable) reports.

Reports you can access through the Tyro Portal include:

  • EFTPOS machine report – this provides a summary of transactions for a selected EFTPOS machine for a specific day. By selecting the total link at the bottom left, you can view all scheme transactions for that day (e.g. Visa or Mastercard) for the selected EFTPOS machine. If you want, you can dig deeper and look into the details of each transaction to discover the card details and verification methods, as well as cancelled and declined transactions
  • A reconciliation report – this details total transaction amounts for eCommerce and/or each EFTPOS machine over a specific time period
  • A location report – this produces a report for a range of dates for a specific location (ideal if your business has multiple locations)
  • An American Express reconciliation report (if applicable to your business)

You can generate any of these reports directly from the ‘Reports’ tab on the home page; just select the one you want and enter the dates you’re after.

Looking at your past transactions can help you identify busy periods when you might require more staff in-house, or quieter periods where you could increase your marketing efforts to help drive more customers through the door.

Cost analysis reporting

Another type of report you can produce in the Tyro Portal is a cost analysis. This displays your terms of trade, which comprises the fees charged to you per transaction for the various card schemes you accept. Keeping an eye on your costs through this report will help give you a better understanding of your operating costs when it comes time to crunch the numbers.

To generate a cost analysis report, go to Costs > Costs analysis and simply choose the month you want before hitting ‘Generate report’.

Cost of acceptance reporting

Similarly, you can produce a cost of acceptance report, which, for the month in question, will total the fees for each scheme you have accepted in your business.

To generate a cost of acceptance report, go to Costs > Costs of Acceptance, select the month you want, and hit ‘Generate report’.

Generating invoices

Within the Tyro Portal, you can generate two types of invoices—tax and Dynamic Current Conversion (DCC).

A tax invoice will show you exactly what you’ve been charged for EFTPOS machine rental and merchant service fees (all including GST) for a monthly period. To generate a tax invoice, go to the Costs > Invoices, select the month you’re after, and click ‘Download PDF’.

DCC lets your customers pay in the currency of their choice (not available with eCommerce), so a DCC invoice will show you if you’ve earned any commission on the transactions. To generate a DCC tax invoice, go to the Costs > DCC invoices, enter the month you’re after, and click ‘Create PDF’.

Ordering paper rolls

Paper rolls are an important part of an EFTPOS machine, as they form the basis of receipts for you and your customers. Conveniently, you can order paper rolls through the Tyro Portal when you’re running low. All you have to do to place the order is head to the ‘Self-service’ tab, Select ‘Order EFTPOS machine paper’, select the amount of paper you need for each machine, and select ‘Checkout’. (FYI, there’s a limit of 10 boxes per order per machine type.)

If you want to nominate a different address for your order, other than your business location, simply enter the delivery details in the space provided. Once you’re done, select ‘Confirm Order’ to finalise your paper roll purchase.


The Tyro Portal is a powerful tool that can help you better run your business. Offering invaluable insights on your EFTPOS transactions, you can really hone in on your sales and identify ways to boost them and your business.

Keen on becoming a Tyro Customer and unlocking the power of the Tyro Portal? Let’s chat